In order to start with user experience (UX), we must first understand exactly what the term UX Design really means. UX is pretty broad and definitions vary. In my experience, what most UX designers crave—and what I focus on is:
User experience design is the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the website.
Why is UX Design important?
Small details set your brand apart from the competition. Great user experiences make your website more memorable and can lead to great results. As a web developer, I work to understand how the user feels and interacts with your website, to create valuable, memorable experiences and grow your online business.
When was the last time you enjoyed a great cup of coffee that touched all five of your senses creating a memorable experience?
The smell of freshly-brewed coffee, taste, touch, sight, and sound when your order is ready, the barista calls out your name. Again, it makes you feel special.
So, the next time you wish to have coffee, you will remember the pleasant experience and will go back again or recommend that place to your friends.
I passionately study how to design great looking websites that are easy to navigate. I learn how people think and remember information so I know how to create a more engaging design and what motivates people to take action.
What is UX Design about?
- Understand your users and give them something valuable….not just “selfishly asking” for stuff.
- Getting people to WANT to engage with you….not overloading them with useless offers.
- Getting them to WANT to buy more….not out of pressure, but because they enjoy your content and help.
Your web site must be easy to use, navigate, and understand, focused on the end user. Web sites with a positive user experience will rank higher in Google’s search engine, resulting in way more people visiting the site and convert!